
Absenteeism and Dismissal

If your child will not be attending school or will be arriving late (after the 7:50am start time), we ask that a parent/guardian call or leave a message on the CHMS Attendance Line, 434-5896, or by email to Judith Bergeron at [email protected] before 9:00 am. This will ensure accurate attendance for all students. Any student arriving after 7:50am should go directly to the main office for a Late Slip before going to homeroom/class (period 1 begins at 8:00am). If you would like your child dismissed for a medical appointment, please send a signed note with your child to give to the attendance office the day before the appointment, if possible. If there is an unscheduled appointment, please call the attendance office (434-5896) or main office (434-2188), as soon as possible, to dismiss your child in a timely manner. We ask that all students being picked up for a prearranged early dismissal (before 2:40pm), be signed out by a parent/guardian at the front office counter. If returning to school later, please stop back in the office to sign in before going to class.

If you choose to pick up your child at 2:45pm dismissal, we ask that you utilize in the drop off / pick up loop near the RES entrance. All regular student pick ups along with those students whose parent/guardian has notified (email, note or phone call) CHMS he/she will be picked up by a parent/guardian or designated adult on a particular day, will be dismissed promptly at 2:45pm. Outside student pick ups will be monitored by a CHMS staff member.

* At NO time should the bus loop be utilized.

Safe Schools - Visitor Sign In Procedure

In an effort to be fully aware of any visitors who come into our building during the school day, we ask that everyone sign in and pick up a guest badge lanyard at the front office upon entering CHMS. Please do not go directly to any classroom areas without first checking with the front office staff. Please stop back by the office to sign out, as you're leaving the building. We welcome your visits to CHMS and are very appreciative of your cooperation.

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