CHMS Guidance





Students:  Along with educational guidance groups, our school counselors meet with individuals and groups of students.  We are available to students for assistance with academic, personal and social concerns, and crisis intervention.


Families:  We support the collaboration of school and families to work toward what is best for students, emotionally, academically and socially.  We welcome home involvement; please contact us if you have any concerns or questions about your child.


Consultation with School Staff:  the school counselors assist and consult with teachers in areas such as: guidance-related activities, behavior management, crisis intervention and group dynamics.


Coordination with Outside Resources:  When appropriate and in conversation with families, we will coordinate with or refer a student to outside resources.  



Educational Guidance groups at CHMS are an integral part of the curriculum for all students in grades 5 through 8.  Students are scheduled for guidance groups throughout the year, which enables us to get to know all students and be in continual contact with them.  Our groups are small (10-12 students), fostering a supportive environment for students to discuss the issues and concerns they face as they make the transition from childhood to adolescence.  Group members are encouraged to share their ideas, feelings and experiences, listen to one another, and respect others’ points of view.  


Conversations with peers and ourselves about issues of personal interest are welcome in our groups.  These discussions may include topics such as: making friends; effective communication skills; healthy relationships; self esteem; decision making; managing conflict; coping with stress; prevention of bullying and harassment; gender and identity; and the influence of media on our lives. Our goal is to assist these young people in better understanding themselves and their environment.


*Our curriculum is based around respect for all and includes discussion about the responsibility we have to respond appropriately to bullying and harassment.